Cricket has a long history dating back to the 17th century. The cricket books in this section are general cricket history books, as well as those dedicated to histories of specific countries, counties and clubs. Many are rare and evocative gems of sports memorabilia. For example, one of our copies of 'Felix on the Bat' was published in 1855, a third edition of the classic early cricket instructional book by renowned Kent and All England batsman, Nicholas Wanostrocht (known as Felix). The book is special in itself but this particular edition of this classic cricket book contained two letters.
One of the letters was from Douglas Jardine, the captain of the England's "Bodyline" team in Australia in 1932-33, the other from his father, M.R. Jardine, both dated 1934. In the latter, M R Jardine thanks the sender of this book, a Mr Gillam - "'How very kind of you to send Douglas that delightful old Classic. I am sure he will treasure it; it must be very rare ... he is on his way home after honey-mooning in Tanganyika ..." He continues to discuss various aspects of the book. The other letter, from Douglas Jardine, is a simple thank-you note, again to Mr Gillam: "I've got back from East Africa last week and on arrival here I found Felix on the Bat awaiting me ... I am look forward to browsing on it of a winter's evening even though I never expected to own a copy of my own ..." Both letters in themselves are special items of signed cricket memorabilia but the cricket book alone is both a classic bit of cricket instructional history and a cracking read.