This category covers football history in general or with a wider sweep than that of the history of individual football clubs. One of the first mentions of football is by Thomas Elyot in his book, 'Beastly Fury', originally published in 1531. He said, 'Footballe is nothinge but beastlie furie'...before going on to write a whole book about the sport: obviously a little more to football than he first thought! There is a fantastic range of football books concentrating on the history of the sport, such as the Football Association volumes, which chronicle football laws and regulations, profiles and contributions from football commentators over the years. There are football books that focus on the history of iconic football organisations and venues, such as UEFA, Scottish Football and Wembley. It's worth burrowing around in this section - there are some great football history gems. A book, not particularly old, but which must be a great contender for 'Best/Most Obvious Title' of football book must be, 'The Ball is round.(A Global History of Football)'.