Our golf history books range from books about competitions like the Ryder Cup and individual golf clubs to sweeping histories of different aspects of golf and of the sport in its entirety. There are several books about the oldest golf club in the world, St Andrews, for example. Many are relatively modern golf history books, which do their job extremely well. The apotheosis of these golf histories may be Harry Stirling Crawford Everard's superb history of the club: A History of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club St Andrews, 1754 - 1900. First published in 1907, this golf history book was the first golf book to use full colour illustration.
Our golf history books cover all continents too. A recent history of the US Open is extremely interesting and informative. Some have described (including us!), 'The Story of American Golf: its Champions and Championships' as the best ever book written on golf in America. A bold claim...and a fascinating book by American writer, Herbert Warren Wind, a close friend of his British counterpart, Bernard Darwin...who wrote, of course, the classic, 'A History of Golf in Britain' among many other of his golf books.